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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2012 Seminar

20120114(Stanford, CA)


 When Technology Meets Medicine


Healthcare is one of the most pressing challenges facing the United States today.  While evolving IT technology seems a promising solution for improving healthcare, the typical technology-look-for-application (TLA) approach rarely leads to fruitful results.  To effectively translate advances in technology into clinical benefits, a deeper understanding of unmet clinical needs is vital. This presentation will cover the critical issues in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, such as aortic stenosis (AS), heart failure (HF) and chronic total occlusions (CTO), and how the electro-optics and MEMS technology could contribute to the current paradigm. 

Speaker Bio: 

Carson Chen (ꐏʿ) received BS and PhD degrees in EE from NTU, where he concentrated on electro-optics and medical electronics.  In 2004, he developed advanced high-speed 3D microscopy as a visiting scientist at MIT.  From 2007 to 2009, he continued to work on microscopy innovation and gained solid bio lab experience as a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech.  In 2009, Dr. Chen was named a Stanford-Taiwan Biomedical Fellow by the ROC government to learn the ropes of medtech startups in Silicon Valley.   A current visiting scholar at Stanford, he actively pursues entrepreneurial opportunities in imaging technology and telemedicine.