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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2010 Seminar

20100130(Stanford, CA)


The Recent Development of Taiwan Photonics Industry




Because of financial meltdown, the production value of Taiwan photonics industry in 2009 presented recession with a historical dramatic negative 17%, to USD$52 billion USD. The flat panel display (FPD) gained the largest portion-71% (i.e. USD$37 B) in Taiwan photonics industry, although its high reduction rate. It was beyond expectation that LED & Lighting Application could remain its scale- USD$ 2.7 billion with a little growth. The solar cell industry also suffered with almost 20% recession. On the other fields, Optical Storage, Optical Input & Output devices, and Optical Fiber Communication could remain their scale without a serious reduction. Since energy issue, new application and emerging region market, we expect Taiwan photonics industry could rebound this year (2010) with a 15% growth rate.


Mr. Murphy Lin is a director of Photonics Industry & Technology Association. He serves in PIDA, and engages in photonics industry & market survey for 14 years. Now he is the leader of research division of PIDA. There are 7 industry analyst in this division. Based on photonics field research, PIDA developed several business including exhibition (Photonics Festival in Taiwan, FPD Taiwan), seminar and training course, membership service (information provider), consulting service (projects).
Murphy Lin was born in year 1966, Taipei. He graduated form Physics Department, Tunghai University, Taichung, and then received master degree of Science, Electrophysics at Polytechnic Institute of NYU, New York in 1996. He ever served in Topology Research Institute, and Fornex Technology Corp. Now he leads the research team in PIDA to explore the trend of Photonics in term of technology, industry, and market.