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  The Electro-Optics Association 
The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans
Northern California Chapter


2006 Seminar

200624(Stanford, CA)

The Technology of TFT LCD Photomask




 Although the basics of TFT LCD technologies were developed as early as in the 1980s, the manufacturing technologies are continuously improved for many years for bigger substrate and higher product yield.  Now a day, the price of TFT LCD is competitive enough has become the mainstream display in computer monitors and TV application.    Taiwan has become the worlds
largest TFT LCD producer supplying over 45% of TFT LCD products worldwide, exceeding Korean and Japanese. In spite of the successfulness in volume production, the Taiwanese TFT LCD producers still rely on foreign technologies in some of the key components. A short report on current TFT LCD status and large photomask technology for TFT LCD will be presented.


Dr. Robert Tsai() was the past chairman of EOA in Bay Area Chapter in 1995.  He obtained his Ph. D. in Material Science from University of Virginia and a pioneer in LCD technology as early as in 1974.  He was with Intel to develop the first LCD watch production line in US and later sold to Timex.  In 1976, he joined the Hughes Aircraft developed the worlds first LCD TV with active matrix on silicon wafer.  Dr. Tsai was well known in Large Area Display technology when he was in charge of the laser addressed LCD business unit in Single Co. in the 80s.  He designed a laser scanning system for direct write on silicon wafer for ASIC proto-typing in 1986. He also explored the LTPS technology with Excimer laser to fabricate
polysilicon from amorphous silicon on a sheet of
glass.  Dr. Tsai had spent 8 years in Singapore for
semiconductor manufacturing and later was appointed by Chartered Semiconductor  to manage Fab 5 ( a joint venture between Agere and Charter).  Dr. Tsai returned to Taiwan with his friends in 2003 and started the AIPC for TFT LCD Large Photomask manufacturing.  Currently AiPC (Allied Integrated Patterning Corporation) is the only local supplier that has the capability in producing TFT LCD photomasks for that local industry.