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  中華光電學會  北加州分會

  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2016 Seminar

20160213 (Stanford, CA) 


The comparison of current optical manufacturing methods and prior to year 2000

Abstract :


Prior to Year 2000


Optical components such as  Window, filters,  wedge , mirror , Prisms , cylinder .. They require many kind of machineries , tools , ingredients and lengthy process.


Example 1 : For a 3 sides  precision  right angle prism ,Material = NB-K 7


Seq 1 Material Blank 


Seq 2 Blocking +Milling+ Rough Grind+ Fine Grind +Slurry Polish+ Finishing Polish + Inspection


Seq 3 Repeat Seq 2


Seq 4 Repeat  Seq 2


Total process time ...... 100 hrs  for qty of 20     Cycle time =  6 weeks                  

Required : High skill work force


Final Spec = Surface Figure 2 Lambdas, Surface Quality 20-10 Mil, Angle tolerance +/- 5 minutes.


Example 2 : 7.75 mm , 8 mm diameter Laser Mirror


* The used of Cluster Molded Blanks,.


* E-beam coating


After Year 2000


With more understanding the effects of the diamond tools, the application of  using the  CNC machine to optics


has simplified the optical fabrication process and also has eliminated the used of special machines and tools.


Example 1


Seq 1 Material Blank


Seq 2 CNC Shaping 


Seq 3 Rough Polishing


Seq 4 Precision Polishing


Total process time ..... 40 hrs  for qty of 20     Cycle time = 3 weeks                  

Required : Skill Work force


Final Spec = Surface Figure Lambda/20, Surface Quality 10-5 Mil, Angle tolerance 5 arc seconds


Example 2  :


* Molded finished Optics


* Free form shaping


* Free form polishing 


* Iron Bean Sputtering Coating



Bio: Tung Gip 


Study at San Jose State


Spectra Physics Senior Optical Fabrication Engineer


Crystal Technology Principle Optical Engineer


HP/ Agilent Metrology and Procurement  Engineer


ios Optics Business Development Technical Engineer


Area of Expertise


Fabrication and testing precision optics components and assembly, Beam deviation, wavfront error....


Non destructive test for subsurface damaged in optics.


Equipments selection for up-to-date optical manufacturing.


Saw with polishing finished on waveguide application.


Contact Information   Cell 1 408 807 5582