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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2011 Seminar

20110312(Stanford, CA)

                 You Can Sell Yourself in Any Economy


As a result of the economy in the past ten years, the job market has been a roller coaster with many ups and downs.  Steve Lu will outline the job market since 2001, and predict the outlook of high tech job opportunities for 2011 (including the Electro-Optical job market).  He will share his observations on what has changed, what will continue to change, and the measures we can take to adapt to these changes. 


No one knows you better than yourself, and job hunting is the process of selling yourself as the best in your field.  Job hunting is a war you have to fight on your own and a lot of time can be saved by learning the ins and outs before you begin your search. 


The Resume and the Interview are the two pillars that need to be perfected before you can get hired.  In the presentation Steve will share what hes observed about job hunting, the dos and donts in resume preparation and he will provide a recommended resume format.  He will review interview tips and discuss body language that can unknowingly convey a negative message to the interviewer.  There are many intricacies and traps one should know before an interview, rather than running into them during the interview.  Steve will trouble shoot the job search with real examples.     Lastly he will touch on how to deal with a mid life crisis sooner rather than later.



Steve Lu is currently with DMR, Direct Management Recruiters, in Cupertino as the Managing Director, in charge of Executive and Engineering Talent Search. 


In his previous company, UMC-USA, he served as a Director of Sales, Director of IP Management of Worldwide IP Support Group, and Sr. Manager of IP Program and Design support.  Earlier he was the Program Manager at the San Jose Technology Center of Philips Semiconductor. 


Before joining Philips Semi, he was the Director of IP Alliance & Development at the Tonbu Corp..  Prior to Tonbu, he was in Novas, DMR, Intel (formerly Chips & Tech), AMD, AMI, and National Semiconductor serving across various fields as an EDA Tool Sales Adviser, Venture Capital Bridging, & Management Recruiter, IC Chip Design Project Lead, and Design Engineer. 


Steve received an MSEE from UCLA.  He served as the BOD (two terms) and Head of Publication Group and Editor-in-Chief of CASPA (Chinese American Semiconductor Professional Association).   He was the spokesman and member of the Board of Directors of the CINA (Chinese Information and Network Association).  He was the Chairman of the Ching Ching Chorus in 1983.  He has been a volunteer staff member of the CERT(Cupertino Emergency Response Team). 


He was nominated and elected by the World Journal as one of The 10 Chinese American Community Heroes in the SF Bay Area, 1997 to commend his vigilante leadership in organizing a C-45 skydiving odyssey expedition to the Diaoyutai islands launched from the US which ended up with a safe belly crash landing in the Subic Bay Airport, the Philippines.