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  中華光電學會  北加州分會

  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2016 Seminar

20160409 (Stanford, CA) 


The paradigm change from NRZ to PAM4 signaling for data center optics

Abstract :


The paradigm of the optical interfaces has shifted at 100Gbps and beyond in terms of technology and application, from NRZ to higher modulation schemes and from Telecom-driven to Datacom-driven, respectively. Recently, away from the simple and common on-off keying based NRZ signaling, IEEE 400GbE P802.3bs task force has adopted the optical four-level Pulse Amplitude Modulation, or PAM4 signaling as the only viable technology standard of data center interconnect for 2km and above distances, as well as for low end of 500m or below. PAM4 is becoming most important signaling format and being soon deployed widely in mega datacenters, servers and routers for 40G, 50, 100G, 200, and 400Gbps. This new requirement posts significant constraints on data center optics, and call for the development of a new set of active optical and IC components across the optics and IC industry. In light of this, this talk will address the physical Layer architecturee technologies, and implementation with pluggable modules in detail to provide insight into current and future technology/standardization trends such as next-gen 100G and higher-speed Ethernet. From leading PAM4 IC vendor perspective, we will highlight the current performance status, application scenarios and address the prospects & challenges of next-gen implementation.




Bio: Tung Gip 


As an expert of photonic technologies in optical networking and IC industry, Frank Chang currently is Principal Engineer - Optics at Inphi CTO Optics Office for Optics Interconnect. He leads the optical system engineering efforts for physical layer IC products involving high speed linear drivers, TIAs and PAM4 PHYs for various optical applications. Prior to Inphi, he held various senior architectural and management positions at Vitesse, Cisco/Pirelli, Mahi Networks, and JDS Uniphase. He holds a Ph.D in Optoelectronics from Ecole Polytechnique of University of Montreal, Canada.Dr. Chang has authored or co-authored over 85 peer-reviewed journal/conference articles, three book chapters, and given numerous invited talks in the field. He has served on technical program committees for OFC, ECOC, ACP, OECC, LEOS, Globecom and other conferences. Recently he was the president of Photonics Society of Chinese Americans (PSC) and PSC-SC chapter in 2015, and the Industry Forum & Exhibition (IF&E) Chair for Globecom 2015 in San Diego