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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2010 Seminar

20100410(Stanford, CA)

Feature-Based Visualization: An Indispensable Tool for Depicting Time Evolving Flow


Visualization has become an essential tool for scientists to extract knowledge from large amounts of data and convey that knowledge to others. Due to the size and complexity of the data, feature extraction is frequently employed to enhance the efficiency, and some relationship information of the time-varying, multivariate aspect of simulation could be obtained from the following feature tracking and comparison analysis. After the spatial features of the data have been extracted in 3D space, the temporal behaviors of the flow will be depicted using fade-in effect, while the comparison could be achieved by the rendering of individual feature and the visualization of 3D skeletons..

In this seminar, the speaker will analyze the current situation of feature-based scientific visualization, present some novel results of VIDI and point out the future orientation.


Jianqiang Mei is a PhD student of Tianjin University (China) and a visiting student at VIDI (Visualization and Interface Design Innovation) UCDavis. He is currently interested in scientific visualization and 3D shape comparison. Dr. Kwan-Liu Ma is the leader of VIDI research group, a professor of computer science and the chair of the computer science graduate group (GGCS) at the University of California-Davis. His research spans the fields of visualization, high-performance computing, and user interface design.