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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2008 Seminar

20090411(Stanford, CA)

Design Fiber Optic Communication Products using Free Space Optics and Guided Wave Optics (2)



In the second part of this seminar, I will explain the basic types of planar lightwave circuits used for making fiber optic components. I will then illustrate how to use guided wave optics for various devices and module designs. An array of exemplary planar lightwave circuit products will be discussed, including multichannel arrayed VOA using polymer waveguides on glass substrate, multichannel DWDM device using arrayed waveguide grating, and tunable dispersion compensators using hybrid integration between high resolution AWG and polymer waveguide lens with tunable focal lengths.


Dr. Chun He is currently the Director of Engineering at Gemfire Corporation. He has formerly served roles as Engineering Managers, Chief Product Designers, and Chief Engineers in several fiber optical component and module companies.  He has twenty years successful research and product development experience in semiconductor lasers, surface science, and photonics.  He pioneered virtual optical experiment and virtual manufacturing methodology in free space fiber optical system design using computer modeling.  This approach has not only ultimately optimized product designs, but also significantly reduced product development cycle time and product cost.  His recent work has been focused on hybrid bonding of planar lightwave circuit modules manufactured on different materials and substrates, integration of micro optics with planar lightwave circuit, and low cost packaging in photonic products.

Chun He received his Ph.D. degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1990, majoring in Physical Chemistry.  He has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles in professional journals, including Nature, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, Applied Physics Letter, and Journal of Chemical Physics, and over 30 invited talks in international and national symposiums and workshops.  He has 11 granted US patents, 1 granted China patent, and 6 pending US patents in device fabrication, fiber-optics, and semiconductor lasers.