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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2008 Seminar

20090509(Stanford, CA)

40G deployment technology update and the challenges of 10OG in electronic DSP/ASIC



My focus would be on the practical overlay networkswhere 40 G (+ 100G) would be added to current 10G dominant network infrastructures.

Distinct system requirements would be summarized as to OSNR, dispersion compensation, non-linearity, modulation and detection methodology. The last item conveniently leads to the concept of coherent detection for 100G resulting from per wavelength impairment compensation esp on PMD.

Actual deployment example in 40G would be described where the concept of alien wavelength inoverlay network is introduced.

I then update on 100G with the need of coherent detection using specialized DSP/ ASIC  as the desirable electronic per channel compensation methodology. I will conclude with my personal views on the controversy of single carrier coherent versus multiple carriers OFDM.


Michael Choy has more than 20 years of Telecom/Data communication systems/components expertise from Bell Labs, IBM Watson, start ups and more recently Comcast Cables.

His contributions in Bell Labs include the first non-invasive screening of submarine transmitters, the productization of PMD compensation and the first system demonstration of Allwave fiber operating at 1400 nm band.


At IBM Watson Labs., he demonstrated the first low crosstalk multiple channel operation of the quantum-well SOA amplifier, the original cross band operation of e-tunable filter with finesse of 2000, and the first datacom application of WDM-SCM operation of the IBM Rainbow network.   

At Comcast he is the principal technical lead in demonstrating the first interoperability of 40G

LAN/WAN hand-off with tunable DCM in 2007.


He has more than sixty journal and conference publications. He holds two US patents leading to real products (IBM Rainbow cards and the AOTF filter for WDM) and a provisional patent on Optical Wireless receiver to fight fog.


His PhD is from Stanford in Applied Physics, and his BS is from Berkeley in engineering physics.