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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2010 Seminar

20100516(Stanford, CA)



Keynote Speaker: Dr. Milton Chang

There will be a gathering dinner in close-by restaurant with nominal fees

Parking:    Free public parking available close to Tech Museum on Sunday. Maximum $5.00/day pay-parking available at Convention center parking lot with Tech Museum authorization on the parking ticket


PSC 2010 Annual Meeting agenda  

1200-1330 Registration and Tech Museum Tour.  

1330-1340 Meeting Starts and welcome remarks from PSC President  

1340-1400  VIP Speech (TBD)  

1400:14:30  S .C. Wangdڲʿ--, NTCU.

Story of Laser Developments and Nobel Prizes in Physics  

1430-1520     T. P. Lee ಩ʿ, Fellow of IEEE and OSA, Bell System Retired.

The Past, Present, and Future of Photonics for  Telecommunications"  

1520-1550    Dr. He Chun δʿ Director of Engineering, , Gemfire.

Hybrid and Monolithic Integration- the Future of Fiber Optic Communication Industry  

1550-1600       Break  

1600-1630.      Din Ping Tsai̶ƽʿ-Professor-National Taiwan University, Director-Instrument Technology Research Center, National Applied Research Laboratories. 

 Instrumentation for Energy, Environment and Better Life  

1630-1700       Dr. Milton Chang  ïԲʿ: Managing Director, InCubic

Lowering Risk starting You Business in Todays Environment  

1700-1750      Fellowship and Bor-uei Chen Scholarships Award, Awardees speeches  

1.      Xiankai Sun (Caltech): Supermode Control in Hybrid Si/III-V Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits

2.      Yu-Ting Hsueh (Georgia Tech): Millimeter-Wave Photonics for Very High Throughput Wireless over Optical Fiber Networks

3.      Li-Min Chen (UCLA): Novel Device Structure and Fabrication Process for Polymer Solar Cells

4.      Songnan Wu (Arizona State U): Extraction Efficiency Enhancement of Semiconductor Hemisphere for LED Applications

Ten minutes are allocated for each talk 

1750-1800  PSC-2007 Board election  



Taipei Economic and Culture Office in San Francisco, Science and Technology Division; Hsinchu Science Park Administration.  пƌWI@^ƌW@^

Photonics Industry &Technology Development Association (ƼIfM)

Instrument Technology Research Center,  National Applied Research Laboratories (ؔFˇҌоԺxƼо)

Taiwan Trade Center, San Francisco Far East Trade Services, Inc.

Luxnet Corporation

Oplink Communication Inc.

General Photonics, Inc.