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  The Electro-Optics Association 
The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans
Northern California Chapter


2007 Seminar

20070609(Stanford, CA)

Overview of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers


Although electricity is the most common energy form to be transported, optical energy transportation has found its unique usefulness in delivering power. We will first explore its basic configuration and some fundamental limitations. When combined with advanced microelectronic circuitry, this power delivering technique has established a variety of applications and new applications based on this technique are still emerging.

Speaker Bio:

Ta-Chung Wu received his Ph. D. degree from U.C. Berkeley in 1995. Right after his graduation, he joined Photonic Power Systems Inc. as a device engineer, responsible for photovoltaic power convertor (PPC) device development and fabrication. He joined OEpic Inc. in 2000 as a fab manager, in charge of high speed optical device manufacturing. He returned to Photonic Power Systems in 2004 as a V.P. of Manufacturing in charge of all optical power products manufacturing from component to subsystems. In less than a year, Photonic Power Systems was acquired by JDSU in 2005. In JDSU, he continues to develop new products and received R&D100 award in 2006 and Archer award from JDSU in the same year.