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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2011 Seminar

20110611(Stanford, CA)

1. Bring light to shine on medicine: a gastroenterologists view
2. Neuro-endoscope

A.    Speaker: John Tsungchun Lee, M.D. T t

Attending Physician, Gastroenterology, National Taiwan University Hospital

Clinical lecture, NTU.

johnlee0212@gmail.com or www.linkedin.com/in/johntclee


Title: Bring light to shine on medicine: a gastroenterologists view


In this short talk to respectful members of Electro-Optics Association, I would like to share with you what optical devices in clinical gastroenterology has evolved over the decades and where the trend that I perceived is moving toward. Moreover, I would also like to toss some unmet clinical needs/ niche that deserve further exploration. 


B.     Speaker:   Daniel Wei-Chen Hong, MD t


Department of Neurosurgery,National Taiwan University Hospital, Yun-Lin branch

Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University

Center for Optoelectronic Biomedicine, National Taiwan University College of Medicine


E-mail: hong@ntuh.gov.tw ,   ddh0410@gmail.com


Title:  Neuro-endoscope



Endoscopic techniques, with their visual navigation inside the human body, have somehow redesigned the gold standard of many different surgical and medical specialties, and at the same time have favored the diffusion of minimally invasive procedures. They have contributed to the development of less traumatic approaches and have allowed a potential for reduced complication, shorten hospital stay, and cost. Dr. Hong will show some videos from the real surgeries performed in NTUH to demonstrate the pros and cons of current endoscopic technology, and discuss about possible further developments in endoscopic surgery.