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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2015 Seminar

20150613 (Stanford, CA)


Thermal Spray Applications In Functional Materials and Electronics


Thermal spraying processing is a well-established and proven technology, which is already in wide spread industrial use for a variety of applications due to the low cost, high deposition rate, flexibility for automatic production and simplicity of the processes. They are crucial to the economic and efficient operation of a range of engineering systems including gas turbines engines (for propulsion and energy), biomedical implants, industrial machinery, automotive components and semiconductor manufacturing.


Thermal spraying is a directed melt spray deposition process, in which inorganic particles in the diameter range of 1-100 microns are heated, melted (in some cases partially), propelled and impacted onto a prepared substrate.  A rapid sequence of events occurs including: melting, impact (in some cases shock), spreading and rapid solidification, all of which take place in microsecond timescales, enabling materials synthesis from extreme conditions. The resultant deposits are comprised of splat based assemblage of discrete particles resulting in a brick-wall structure with thicknesses ranging from 50 microns to millimeter dimensions. The majority of past and contemporary thermal spray applications are in the field of protective coatings, where  the principle function of the overlay coating is to protect the underlying substrate from heat, contact damage (e.g., wear) or the surrounding operational environment (corrosion). However, new opportunities are now emerging in advanced functional surfaces, including dielectrics, electrical conductors, magnetics, sensors and solid oxide fuel cells. In these new applications, thermal spray offers advantages for manufacture of deposits over large area substrates and for the creation of complex conformal functional devices and systems.




Dr. Yikai Chen is a Senior Materials Engineer, Etch Engineering, applied Materials, Santa Clara, California. He received his Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009. During graduate school, he was involved research, development and productivity for bio-coatings. After graduation, he spend three years in Center for Thermal Spray Research, Stony Brook University, New York, USA as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate. He investigated multilayer and multi-functional thermal sprayed coatings and focused on scientific comprehension of processing-microstructure-properties-performance relationships in ceramic and cermet materials. He demonstrated the effect of plasma environment and in-flight particle state on stoichiometry control and phase stability of thermal spraying functional materials.