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  The Electro-Optics Association 
The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans
Northern California Chapter


2006 Seminar

200678(Stanford, CA)

Optical Components for the Global FTTx Market




Worldwide deployments of FTTx systems have accelerated dramatically over the last two years.  While many factors contribute, including the regulatory environment and competition with the cable TV industry, this acceleration would not have been possible without the ability of the optical components industry to supply very high performance devices at a cost sufficient for deployment to millions of homes. We examine the technology, performance and economics of two key components for Passive Optical  Network (PON) based FTTx systems: passive splitters and triplexer transceivers.  In the case of splitters, Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) technology has enabled splitters to meet the insertion loss, PDL and uniformity requirements of FTTx systems in volume manufacturing.  The first generation of triplexer transceivers has utilized the manufacturing scale achievable globally to meet the cost targets for initial deployments, while a second generation triplexer based on PLC technology promises further improvements.


Dr. G. Ferris Lipscomb was one of the founders and
Vice President of Marketing for Lightwave
Microsystems. He previously served as General Manager and Executive Vice President of Akzo Nobel Electronic Products, Inc., and at Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Dr. Lipscomb was Chief Scientist for the Photonics and Lightwave Technology at the Research and Development Division. Dr. Lipscomb also served on the Technical Staff of the TRW Technology Research Center. Dr. Lipscomb received his PhD in Solid State Physics from the University of Pennsylvania and a BS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.