中華光電學會  北加州分會

  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2019 Seminar



Key technologies, applications and markets of optoelectronic components





I will talk about the key technologies, applications and markets of optoelectronic components (chips), and share his experiences in innovation and entrepreneurship in academic and industrial fields.





    Dr. Xu obtained BSc in Physics from Fudan University, MSc in Solid State Physics from Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in Physics from Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg / Fraunhofer-institut fur Physikalishe Messtechnik, Germany.

   He participated in the first 863 high-tech project at the Shanghai Institute of Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; he was a research scientist at the Fraunhofer-institut, an Industrial Applied Society in Germany, and participated in a number of European industrial application research projects (MIR DFB, DBR, BH tunable diode lasers) for automotive exhaust gas analysis in the TDLAS systems – working together with RD team of Mercedes -Benz at Stuttgart headquarters.  He received a Ph.D. in physics with excellent grade in 18 months. He was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Northwestern University. He was engaged in the research field of compound semiconductor MOCVD epitaxial growth technology and new optoelectronic devices funded by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), US Department of Defense,  Naval Research Office (ONR), Air Force Wright Patterson Lab , Army Research Lab, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), and NASA. Sb-based Infrared diode lasers and photodetectors, MIR Quantum Cascade Lasers, Infrared Quantum Well Photodetectors, Aluminum-Free High-Power Semiconductor Lasers, and Nitride UV Detectors and LEDs.   He has made world-leading achievements in the scientific and technological optoelectronic components fields.

    In the early 1990s, he began to work on MOCVD epitaxial growth technology and optoelectronic components of compound semiconductors. He was responsible for the successful transfer of the patented GaAsInP high-power semiconductor laser technologies from Northwestern University to the NASDAQ listed company. He served as SMTS and R&D Manager for the development of high-speed InP-based opto-components at NORTEL Networks.  He was a co-founder of Transwave located in Silicon Valley in 2000 and was successfully acquired by FINISAR (NASDAQ) for $90 million in 2001. He has been responsible for marketing and business development at NASDAQ listed companies, and is the Engineering Director of FINISAR, the world's largest optical communication module leader.

    During his more than 30 years of scientific research in the field of optoelectronics, he has done new products development and industrialization, including SM diode lasers, fiber laser pumping source, VCSEL, InGaAs linear arrays, et al.  He has published more than 50 academic papers in international academic journals and international conferences, and obtained a number of technical patents.

Dr. Xu has long been engaged in the research and development of optoelectronic products, marketing, corporate management, and consultant work for Venture Capital, investment banks in the European and North American industries. He has worked as a research and development scientist, product manager, and engineering director; in charge of marketing and marketing company executives, the president / CEO, and other positions. He was also the co-founder and founder of several companies in Silicon Valley. We have accumulated rich first-hand experience in high-tech enterprise entrepreneurship and corporate management.  

Mr. Wong holds four U. S. Patents. All of them are optics and fiber optics related. He is a member of OSA(Optical Society of America)  and SPIE.