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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2011 Seminar

20110813(Stanford, CA)


Topic: III-V Semiconductor Business Opportunities and Outlook



The talk will give an overview of the III-V compound semiconductor industry from RF wireless, microwave to optoelectronics.  The current market activities and market size will be presented.    Emerging market and business opportunities using compound semiconductors will be also presented.

Speaker Bio: 

Simon Yu has over 30 years of experience in Semiconductor engineering and Sale/Marketing. He has been in Global Communication Semiconductors, Inc since 2004. He is VP of Worldwide Sales and Marketing at GCS.  Before GCS, he was VP WSM at WIN Semiconductors Corp, Deputy Director of Sales at UMC, Foundry Fab Manager at Cirrus Logic etc.