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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2013 Seminar

20130817 (Stanford, CA)


Optical Engineering in University of Shanghai for Science & Technology From Basic to Application


Optics & Photonics Lab of USST is key lab both for Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipal Government. The presentation introduces the research activities in this lab, which are including optical imaging theory, supper-resolution image, meta-materiel, T-Hertz technology, micro and nano-optics, optical display, fiber sensor as well as optical instruments. 


Dr. Songlin Zhuang graduated from Physics Department of Fudan University in 1962. He obtained his Ph.D degree from Electrical Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University of United States, in 1983. He was elected as member of China Academy of Engineering in 1995. Currently, he is dean of Opto-electronic Information and Computer Engineering College, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology. He is Chairman of China Instrumentation Society, and fellow of Optical Society of America and SPIE. 
Dr. Zhuangs research area is Image Theory and Supper-resolution Technology, Optical Design and Testing, Passive Devices for Fiber Communications and Meta-materials.