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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2011 Seminar

20110910(Stanford, CA)


 Group IV materials and devices for Si photonic integrated circuits


Optical interconnects have attracted significant attention because the advantages for high-speed, low-power, and interference immunity.  A gradual transition from electrical to optical interconnection is taking place from the long haul OFC and FTTH applications to the short range data centers networks and high-performance computing.  Nowadays, during the scaling of CMOS technologies, the on-chip interconnect bandwidth limitation becomes a more and more critical challenge.  On-chip optical interconnects has the ability to overcome this RC limitation and solve this emerging problem.  Silicon photonics is the key technology due to its benefit of low cost, high performance and CMOS compatible processes of electronic-photonic integration.

In this talk, I will first quickly review the optical communication at different distance ranges as well as current on-chip optical interconnects projects from industry leaders.  Then, I will show our work on the band structure engineering of indirect band gap germanium to achieve direct band gap semiconductor with tensile strain, tin alloy and n-type doping methods. This effort leads to the future efficient on-chip CMOS compatible light sources.  Also, our exploration of strong QCSE effects in SiGe/Ge QWs system and the performance of QCSE optical modulator will be presented.  In the end, other research on Si photonics andnano-structured solar cells will be briefly discussed.

Speaker Bio: 

Dr. Yijie Huo(   W ʿ) is a postdoctoral scholar in department of electrical engineering at Stanford University.  His research is mainly focused on new materials and devices in Si photonics for on-chip interconnection, including the new MBE growth of tensile strain Ge andSiGeSn materials for future CMOS compatible light source, the quantum-confined Stark effect waveguide modulator, and slowing light waveguide with photonic crystal structures.  His research also includes nano-structured solar cells/LEDs, integrated nonlinear optics in GaAs waveguides, Raman amplifiers in OFC systems, laser diode pumped solid state lasers and laser project TV.  He has more than 20 journal publications and 2 US pending patents.  Dr. Huo received several awards including the TSMC outstanding student research award, Pan Wen-Yuan scholarship, Excellent Academic Performances scholarship etc..  He received B.S. from Tsinghua University in China, M.S. from University of Maryland, and Ph.D. from Stanford University in USA, all in electrical engineering.