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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2014 Seminar

20140913 (Stanford, CA)


Development Trend of AMOLED Technologies


Flat panel display is one of the largest opto-electronic device markets. A strong market rising of AMOLED (active-matrix organic light-emitting diode) leads the new growth of display industry. In this talk, I will first focus on the market trend of AMOLED. Then, the technology strategy of AMOLED will be described in detail. At the end, the activities about AMOLED at BOE will be briefly discussed.





Dr. Yanzhao Li is Senior Researcher in the CTO organization at BOE Co. Ltd, which is the 4th largest flat panel display manufacture worldwide. He is in charge of large-scale AMOLED institute, which is focus on small and large oxide-TFT AMOLED mass production project and advance new materials projects. Previously, Dr. Li also research and development in Si-based OLED, PLED, Si LD, and nano-scale materials. Dr. Li holds the bachelor degree in physics from Jilin University at 2004, and Ph.D. degree in physics from Peking University at 2010.