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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2015 Seminar

20150918 (Stanford, CA)


What Are The Career Opportunities Returning to Taiwan?


Bob will like to talk about his work experiences in US, and in Taiwan after his retirement from HP, and what he discerns today. In addition, he will share his observations and experiences of working with successful and not successful people in the past. For example: What are the unique characteristics of successful people; humbleness, modesty, low profile etc. What are the causes for the failures. What adjustments people made in order to survive and continue to be successful when facing tremendous challenges and going through many changes. What does an entrepreneur need to prepare in order to succeed. It is difficult to raise money, but still there are many success stories. Finally, Bob will conclude with job seeking skills for preparing oneself to land a good job that will fit into long-term career plans and may ultimately lead to entrepreneurial opportunities.






Bob was a pioneer in ink-jet printing and an entrepreneur. He holds more than 30 U.S. patents and more than 100 international patents in Ink-jet printing area. During his productive career at HP and Exxon, he brought more than ten products to the commercial market. Prior to serving as a Special Assistant to HonHai's (Foxconn's) CEO, Terry Gou, Bob was president and co-founder of ICF and IJP Solutions.ICF was later moved to Taiwan and was merged into HonHai. Before founding IJP Solutions, Bob served in senior engineering and management roles at HP and Exxon Enterprises. Bob was well regarded in the Ink-jet industry.


He was an invited speaker at numerous international conferences, such as DIPC (Digital Image Printing Conference), Bis Strategic Decision of Ink Jet Printing Technologies Conference, Taiwan Science Council, and ITRI, etc. Bob was a member of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan and council of FAMI (Univ of Illinois-Champion).  Bob served as the president of Overseas-Chinese Electro-optics Association (now PSC N California Chapter, and as a section chair and a instructor of short course at the International Imaging Congress of Image Science and Technologies (IS&T, the largest international ink jet and laser conference). He earned his Ph.D. degree in physical organic chemistry from Illinois Institute of Technology and a B.S. degree in chemistry from National Taiwan Normal University.