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  The Electro-Optics Association 
The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans
Northern California Chapter


2004 Seminar

20040114(Stanford, CA)

The Technology and Business of Laser Beam Measurements at Photon



In this presentation, John Fleischer will describe both business and technology history and will discuss pluses and minuses of operating a small niche business. He will describe laser beam measurement technology as a personal example. You will have a better appreciation for Laser Beam Profiling from examples discussed. In fact you may begin to see that laser profiling is often more important than laser power!

Speaker Bio:

John Fleischer is a graduate of Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana. He majored in Applied Optics in the Mechanical Engineering department. He was awarded BS and MS degrees 1967. His first optics position was with IBM San Jose where he patented the FIRST commercial high speed non-impact laser printer that produced 3 printed sheets per second. This invention is still currently used in products now manufactured by Hitachi and Lexmark. John's patent was elected as one of IBM's top 25 patents in 1977.
John's spent two years as Program Manager with Spectra Physics. He was to lead Spectra into Laser Printing Microfiche, but optical memory began an upsurge and Spectra abandoned this technology. John's started technical and market research
consulting in 1980, which lead him into what, is now Photon, Inc. ...a leading manufacturer of laser beam profiling tools. He has been President and founder since 1984. Judith Fleischer a co-founder and John's wife, has been his financial Vice-
President contributing significantly to the business side of Photon.
John has published more than 50 papers/ presentations in applied optics field. He holds membership in the IEEE, OSA, SPIE technical societies. He has served as chairman of the ISO LASER Standard committee from 1989 to 1997.  Has chaired both SPIE and OSA technical sessions, served on the Board of Directors of LEOMA...the Laser Electro Optical Manufacturers Association, served as a Board member of his church, served as Board Member of his local home owners association. Purdue University selects 5-8 alumni out of 16,000 as Outstanding Mechanical Engineer each year. John was selected for this award in 2001 based on his life achievements.