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  中華光電學會  北加州分會

  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2016 Seminar

20161001 (Stanford, CA) 


Introduction to ITRI (工研院)




Dr. Duann will talking about ITRI(工研院) now and then. He is looking for potential candidate working for ITRI.  The director of recruiting department(人力資源處長)  is travel with Dr. Duann.  Bring your business card or resume if you are interested.




Dr Jia-Ruey Duann. 段家瑞博士)



·         Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School (2003)

·         Ph.D., North Dakota State University, USA (1989)




·         Executive Director of ITR(工研院)  Central & Southern Region Campuses (2016-present)

·         Vice President of ITRI (2015-Present)

·         President of CIE-Taiwan (2014-Present)

·         Member of the Board of Directors, Chinese Testing and Certification Association (2009- Present)

·         President of Automatic Optical Inspection Equipment Association (2006-Present)

·         General Director of National Measurement Laboratory R.O.C (2006-Present)

·         General Director, Center for Measurement Standards, ITRI (2005-2015)

·         Chairman of Chinese Metrology Society (2006-2013)

·         Member of the Board of Supervisors, Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (2006)

·         Member of the Board of Directors, Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (2005-2006)

·         Senior Researcher, Deputy General Director, Center for Measurement Standards, ITRI (2000-2005)

·         Senior Researcher, Director of Planning & Promotion Division, Center for Measurement Standards, ITRI (1999-2005)

·         Senior Researcher, Director of Measurement Standards & Technology Division, Center for Measurement Standards, ITRI (1989-1999)

·         Senior Researcher, Director of Precision Instrument Development Division (1993-1996)

·         Associate Professor of Department of Physics, Chung Yuan Christian University (1989-2007)

·         Assistant Researcher, Manager of Optics Shop, Precision Instrument Development Center, National Science Council, The Executive Yuan (1978-1984).