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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2013 Seminar

20131012 (Stanford, CA)


Chinese Medicine: An Emerging Segment for High Tech


As the healthcare expense keeps going up, all the countries are looking for new direction and alternative medicine treatments, especially for chronic conditions that the current healthcare approach cant treat well. Per Stanford Medical School, Chinese Medicine counts for ~90% of so-called alternative medicine. But, what is Chinese Medicine? Is it for real or placebo effect? What is the scientific logic behind Chinese Medicine? How can technology help Chinese Medicine as it did for Western Medicine? In this speech, Dr. Lee will first share his experience and observation, and then have an open discussion with the audience on the combination of Chinese Medicine and modern technology.




Dr. Andy Lee is a renowned expert in revolutionizing medical practices with advanced technology. He brought his top intelligence and years' scientific training into this ancient wisdom of macroscopic symptom-driven logics of Chinese Medicine.

Before his father's liver cancer changed his life to helping people of medical needs, Dr. Lee was a seasoned executive and investor in the high-tech industry. He was the Managing Director of Berksford Investment and Strategy, and managed Maitreya Fund I LP. Prior to that, he served as the CFO and VP of Corporate Strategy at EiC Corporation, and the co-founder and CTO of TeleVersal Systems. Before that, he was an engineer and engineering manager at AMD, Vanguard, and Cisco.

Dr. Lee holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, a B.S. in Physics from National Taiwan University, and an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley. While he learned the practice of Chinese Medicine mainly from the world renowned expert Mr. Hai-Sha Ni and remains as his most appraised apprentice, Dr. Lee also earned his M.S. in Chinese Medicine from the University of East-West Medicine, and is licensed to practice Chinese Medicine in California.

Dr. Lee was appointed as a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University investigating technology applications to medicine, and also an expert adviser to the Beijing city government for Information Technology for Healthcare. He served as the president of National Taiwan University Alumni Association North California and the board member of Chinese Institute of Engineers San Francisco.

Dr. Lees Chinese blog can be found on 