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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2012 Seminar

20121013(Stanford, CA)


VESALIUS Robot- a seed for the future


Surgery as a means to correct the illness of the body has been evolved for centuries which is strongly linked to the progress of technology. In modern surgery, the successful management of pain, bleeding and infection enable this art to derive into many surgical specialties. In the 80th, the maturity of the video streaming technology is innovated into surgical procedures and led to a new surgical platform
of Minimally Invasive Surgery(MIS). Nowadays, MIS has become the gold standard in several surgical procedures such as cholecystectomy, the removing of gallbladder. Novel developments are continuing to search for maximum benefit to the patients. However, the business case should sustain the cost for
operation. Among those, surgical robotics are emerging as one of the focal point and a successful story proves to us the benefits of this technology. Inspiring by the potential impacts to the society, Vesalius Robot positions itself to carry on the evolution and to propel the innovation of surgical robotics. It aims to become surgeon's helping hand and be affordable for everyone who is in need of Robot Assisted Surgery.


Prof. dr. ir. Hsiao-Wei Tang has more than 10 years experiences in surgical robot R&D and is dedicated to the investigation and promotion of robot assisted surgery. Since 2000, He developed a 'CT-image guided needle insertion robot' to increase the precision and reduce excessive X-ray exposure for percutaneous ethanol injection of liver. Then in 2004, He developed Laser Laparoscopic Surgical Robot (LLSR) for endometriosis treatment by laser laparoscopy. In 2009, he invented the
Adjustable Remote Center of Motion (ARCM) which can be the foundation of Robot Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (RAMIS). So, he launched the 'VESALIUS Robot- a seed for the future' project trying to bring the technology to the bedside. In 2011, he joins IRCAD-Taiwan, the
academy of Minimally Invasive Surgery, to work together with surgeons and establishes the 'International Center of Excellence in Medical Robot'. Now, he is a visiting scholar in Stanford and participates in the Stanford-Taiwan Biomedical Fellowship program to emerge himself in the environment of biodesign process and silicon valley entrepreneurship. He is also adjunct assistant professor of Biomedical Entrepreneurship in National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, Editorial Advisor for Medical Robotics Magazine and Medical Robot Advisor for WeiGao group in China.