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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2015 Seminar

20151017 (Stanford, CA)


A Birds Eye View of Data Science and Knowledge Management


The world is quietly shifting from the Information technology (IT) era to the Data Technology (DT) era. Data Science is a collective term of DT, which is an interdisciplinary field about processes and technologies to extract knowledge or insights from large volumes of data, aka big data, in various forms. Data science has emerged only recently to specifically designate a new profession that is expected to make sense of the vast stores of big data.

To discover knowledge from big data is not only possible, but also becomes a top priority for scientific research and business. More and more people need to access big data to extract insights in the way by retrieving and exploring information. A working knowledge of data science can help you lead with confidence in your job and it becomes
an inevitable trend of understanding this field!

In this talk, we will give a general overview of the field and discuss
challenges and future opportunities in the development of data science and knowledge management. This will be a great opportunity to help you get started if you are interested in taking part in this field.





Ray is currently a senior director at Centro Media to oversee data technology development for digital media advertising. Prior to Centro, he was a senior data scientist for market intelligence at Yahoo!
Previously, he played senior technical leadership roles at Sun Power, ASML, ICF technology, Axis Systems, Hewlett-Packard, Corsair Communications, LSI Logic, and ABB Automation, etc.

Ray has three decades of well-rounded experience in product and technology leadership in multiple industries. He is an Internet veteran of bringing products from concept to commercial success with
proven track record in distributed systems for massive computing, data warehousing and data mining, and optimization and simulation. Ray was a pioneer in data mining and knowledge management at Hewlett-Packard in the 90s when big data was just about to debut. Also, he has
extensive experience in microlithography, inkjet printing, advanced process controls, and automatic optical inspection and defect characterization for IC, display, and solar cell manufacturing.

Ray earned his PhD degree in Scientific Computing and Computational
Mathematics, and two masters degrees in Computer Science and Operations Research, all from Stanford University, a masters degree in Engineering Management from New Jersey Institute of Technology, and a BS degree in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University.