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  The Electro-Optics Association 
The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans
Northern California Chapter


2003 Seminar

20031108(Stanford, CA)

Business & Career Opportunities w/ ITRI - Optoelectronics & Related




To start with, I'll give an update of ITRI's operation and its major activities.  I will then concentrate my talk on Taiwan's industrial development and research activities of 
flat panel displays, optoelectronic devices and materials, and some future nanotech related topics. In my presentation, ITRI's most successful incubator will also be 
introduced with its outstanding achievement thus far.  Hopefully through the above, the audience will get a deeper understanding about a rather unique R&D institute - ITRI.  
And perhaps even be inspired to think about developing a career with ITRI.  

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Li-chung Lee obtained his Ph.D. in 1977 from Cornell University in Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, MSME in 1974 from University of Maine at Orono, and BSME in 1972 from National Taiwan University.


Prior to joining ITRI(Industrial Technology Research Institute) in 1986, he worked for Corning Glass Works from 1977 to 1980, and IBM/Endicott from 1980 to 1985.  In ITRI, which is a private and non-profit R&D organization aimed at upgrading Taiwans industrial technology level, he held several technical & managerial positions in Materials Research Laboratory.


Since July 2000, Li-chung Lee assumed his present position in San Jose, CA.  He now devotes himself in promoting international collaboration for ITRI in the North America region.