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  The Electro-Optics Association 
The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans
Northern California Chapter


2003 Seminar

20031213(Stanford, CA)

Building a World Class Company




Most technology based companies started by engineers or scientists with one or two unique products. They enjoyed the early stage success for a relative short period of 
time and later disappeared from the business world either acquired by the leaders in the industry or failed because of lacking of sustaining power. In this meeting we will 
discuss the challenges in building a world class company which will last.

Speaker Bio:

Pei Hsien Fang, a founder and CEO of New Wave Research, has extensive engineering and marketing experience both, domestically and internationally, in high technology companies. Prior to joining New Wave Research, Mr. Fang was Director of Sales for Fora, Inc., a manufacturer of PC products. As a Field Marketing Manager for Hewlett Packard Company, Mr. Fang was responsible for developing and executing the business plan to sell test instruments and desk top computers into the Peoples Republic of China. Prior to Hewlett Packard, Mr. Fang was a design engineer for National Semiconductor. He has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Chung Kung University and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from San Jose State University.