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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2013 Seminar

20131214 (Stanford, CA)


Femtosecond Fiber lasers


Ultra-fast fiber laser technology and products are becoming more and more mature, with performance and reliability almost meeting the requirement of some importance applications such as medical instruments and industrial machining. The principles, structures and design, challenges and issues of some femto-second fiber lasers are presented and technical details concerning the seed laser, amplifier, and CPA system are discussed.


Baocheng Yang received his Ph D degree in optics from East China Normal University, China in 1991. He was an associate professor in the Department of Physics, East China Normal University until 2001, with research focus on solid state lasers and infrared imaging. He worked in the industry of fiber optics for the first a few years after coming to US and has been a senior optical engineer in laser industry since 2005, developing products of high power fiber coupled diode lasers, CW and pulsed fiber lasers, and more recently, ultra-fast fiber lasers. Currently he is a senior optical engineer in Calmar Laser.