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  The Electro-Optics Association 
The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans
Northern California Chapter


2008 Seminar

20080308(Stanford, CA)

Vertically Integrated Fiberoptic Devices



Fiberoptic devices are traditionally madeusing planar lightwave circuits (PLC) which forms waveguides on the surface of a semiconductor wafer.Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation has pioneered a totally different approach. Instead of propagating light in the plane of the wafer inside waveguides, wafers are stacked together in the vertical direction
to form 3D vertically integrated optical circuits. Light propagates in free space instead of in waveguides. This technology has the advantage of much higher integration density (up to 100X), lower manufacturing cost, and unique functionality. In this talk, various types of fiber optic devices are presented.


Speaker's Biography: Dr. Ben Jian is the founder of Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation, a startup company in Sunnyvale, CA. The company has pioneered a new approach in making fiber optic devices using semiconductor wafer processing. With limited VC investment, the company has developed a unique product and has been profitable for more than two years.

He obtained his B.S. degree from Physics Dept. of Beijing University and his Ph. D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University.