中華光電學會 北加州分會

The Electro-Optics Association

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2024 Seminar



Parkinson's disease, deep brain stimulation, and using optical approaches to find new treatments




I will talk about Parkinson's disease, a progressive neurologic disorder which impairs patients' ability to move. I will talk about current treatment approaches including deep brain stimulation




Dr. Gaurav Chattree received his BS in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. He then received his MD from The University of Texas Southwestern. In medical school, he performed neuroscience research in the lab of Dr. Todd Roberts studying the neural circuit basis of how zebra finch birds learn to sing their song (a process that has many similarities with how humans learn to speak). He then came to Stanford for his clinical training and is currently a neurologist in the movement disorders division there. He also works in the lab of Dr. Mark Schnitzer, where he is applying neuroscience tools to develop new treatments for Parkinson's disease.