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  The Electro-Optics Association 
The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans
Northern California Chapter


2008 Seminar

20080614(Stanford, CA)

                        Asset Allocation: Making Your Assets Work for You



You've worked hard for your assets. Let them do the same for you! You may wondering what is the difference between your own investing and the professional investing. Every investor differs in his or her goals, tolerance for risk and time horizon --- but we can all benefit from a disciplined approach to asset allocation. This foundational principle of investing can have a profound effect upon your financial future. Will your asset allocation support your long-term goals? Does it allow you to take advantage of tactical opportunities? Are you truly diversified?...To learn the answers to these and other important questions, attend the informative seminar.


You've worked hard for your assets. Let them do the same for you! You may wondering what is the difference between your own investing and the professional investing. Every investor differs in his or her goals, tolerance for risk and time horizon --- but we can all benefit from a disciplined approach to asset allocation. This foundational principle of investing can have a profound effect upon your financial future. Will your asset allocation support your long-term goals? Does it allow you to take advantage of tactical opportunities? Are you truly diversified?...To learn the answers to these and other important questions, attend the informative seminar.