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  The Electro-Optics Association 
The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans
Northern California Chapter


2004 Seminar

20040710(Stanford, CA)

Into the 21st Century: Light Emitting Diode advances into Solid State Lighting


Light emitting diode converts electric energy into light. The color of emission depends on the bang-gap energy of active layer used in the device. Full color spectra of LED are available now through the proper selection of III-V compound semiconductors. White light LEDS are also practical commercial products now.
 Most significant implication of new developments is that the energy conversion efficiency of LEDs (new record of 50 Lumens per Watt for white light) is far exceeding 16 Lumens per Watt of the regular household incandescent lamps. The tremendous electrical power saving could contribute not only financial benefits but also could avoid construction of many tens of
 nuclear power plants. An introduction to the evolution of LED developments in terms of device structures, performance improvements and applications will be presented. A glimpse of the road map of government sponsored solid state lighting projects will explain the challenges and opportunities ahead the LED industry.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Jiann G. Yu received his B. S. Degree from Department of Physics, Cheng Kung University, M.S. Degree from Department of Physics, University of Wyoming and PhD from Department of Material Science, UCLA. He started career on Si and GaAs solar cells in Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Then He joined Northrop as a member of stuff participating in the investigation of III-V materials that could extend InSb CID array
 technology. He then joined Tektronix research lab working in GaAs IC development for high speed application. Since 1981 he joined Optoelectronics Division of Hewlett Packard, working on development and production of various light emitting diodes,
 including GaP, GaAsP, InGaP, AlGaInP and the recent AlInGaN compound semiconductors. These materials can cover the full color of visible spectrum ranging from blue, cyan, and green, yellow, orange to red. His specialty is epitaxial growth of compound semiconductor layers. He retired from Agilent in 2000 and from Lumileds in 2003.