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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2008 Seminar

20080913(Stanford, CA)

                Traditional Optics for Ultra-High speed, flexible telecommunication systems and its market potential



Optoplex is a fast growing company producing optical components for the telecommunications industry. When other companies were worried about market, Optoplex has received investment, also is expanding the team dramatically. The reason of the success is its unique technology and the related product---a key component "DPSK demodulator" , which is a fundamental building block for high-speed optical communications, and is based on traditional optics. The talk will give explanation to the technology, explore its market potential and future development.


Dr. Jay Hsieh is the president and chief technology officer of Optoplex Corporation, Fremont, California. Dr. Hsieh joined Optoplex in 2001, responsible for developing optical components for telecommunication network. In the past seven years, he has led the team to design and manufacture DPSK demodulator, DQPSK demodulator, Coherent demodulator (Optical hybrid), tunable filter and mini-
optical spectrometer. Those products enable the high speed (40G/sec and above) data transmission, narrower channel spacing and enhance the flexibility of the network  Dr. Hsieh received his B.S and M.S. in Physics from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He obtained his PhD in Optics from Optical Science center, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. At the University, Dr. Hsieh~{!/~}s research was focusing on the topic of optical recording, including magneto-optics and phase-change optics technologies. The research area covers recording system design and recording material
characteristics. From 1996 to 2000, Dr. Hsieh worked on data storage industry. He is a research scientist of Komag Corporation in the yeas of 1996 to 1998, focusing on the technology of optical inspection--using laser beam to inspect the defects on the storage disk. The success of this work has dramatically improved the yield of disk manufacturing. From 1998 to 2000, Dr. Hsieh joined Terastor Corporation as a recording system scientist, focusing on near field optical recording, where he is responsible for design and developing a removable recording system having 40Gbyte
capacity in a five and half inches plastic disk. During this period, Dr. Hsieh applied the vector diffraction theory to model the interaction between the focused laser spot and the patterned plastic recording media. He has invented a few techniques for optical tracking and servo for near field optical recording. In year 2000 to 2001, Dr. Hsieh worked for Blaze Network Products as a director of Optical technologies, in charge of developing compact CWDM transceiver for data-com application.  Dr. Hsieh has co-authored more than 20 professional journal and conference publications and holds more than 15 US patents, in the field of magnetic recording, optical recording, datacom transceivers and optical telecommunication devices.