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2015 March Issue

EOA PSC Seminar Held in Stanford on Analog Photonic Circuit

------ On Saturday of Feb 14, in Stanford University CIS conference room, Professor Aijun Wen from Xidian University in China, presented a seminar on "Microwave signal generation and transmission over analog photonic link (APL) and its optimization". His group modulated a microwave signal onto an optical carrier by using a MZM modulator, and transmitted the signal over a long distance through optical fiber with little attenuation or distortion, and then restored the original microwave signal using a photo diode. They could optimize the linearity of the APL by setting the MZM to work at a special bias point. Also, they could generate microwave oscillating signals with different multiplication factor by setting the MZM to work at different bias points. The phase noise of the restored microwave oscillating signal was found affected by the RIN other than the line width of the Laser source.

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JDSU will soon become a glory history? For those who surfed on the technology boom near the end of last millennium would agree to this statement. Many would feel disappointed when see the event happen, because they had spent extremely active days and nights and made the JDSU name shine. It was the number one brand in the fiber optics industry in that era. As reported by Tiernan Ray on Reb 26, JDSU is breaking into two publicly traded companies this year. The company's test and measurement business, which contains products for enabling security, as well, and which has been referred to until now as "NewCo," will be christened Viavi Solutions. That unit is to be run by JDS CEO Tom Waechter. The other unit, containing the traditional fiber optics component business, which has been called "SpinCo." up until now, becomes Lumentum. It is being run by JDS's current head of optical parts, Alan Lowe. detail

The inclusion criteria consisted of all procedures requiring autologous or prosthetic implantation in craniofacial skeletal sites, as well as all procedures involving bone or cartilage resection, osteotomies, debridement, reduction ralph lauren outlet uk and/or fixation. Procedures that did not involve bone or cartilage surgery were excluded. The criteria for diagnosis of infection included clinical confirmation and one or more of 1) intravenous or oral antibiotic treatment outside of the prophylactic surgical regimen; 2) surgical intervention for drainage, irrigation, and or debridement; and 3) microbiological confirmation. Since it is common and possible to detect even during the hospital phase it may be a target for novel secondary preventive michael kors australia efforts.Comment inImpaired glucose tolerance-a new risk factor? [Eur Heart J. 2004]Impaired glucose tolerance-a new risk factor?Tschope D, Bode C. Eur Heart J. Similarly, the intermediate and posterior Ec sent projections to corresponding parts of Ep, whose efferents projected to intermediate and ray ban australia posterior Ep2, respectively. The intermediate Ep2 gave rise to major projections to TPO, whereas posterior Ep2 neurons sent efferents primarily to NIL. The organization of this neural circuit is compared with those of other polo ralph lauren australia sensory circuits in the avian telencephalon, as well as the laminar arrangement of the mammalian isocortex.
The FCC has changed the definition of broadband: the minimum broadband download speeds now begin at 25Mbps, up from 4Mbps, while and the minimum upload speed at 3Mbps up from 1Mbps, as reported on The Verge Website on January 29. The speeds are now 3 times or more higher than the old definition. Many network equipment manufacturers and business developers consider this update would bring up new opportunities for them no only in US but also over the entire global markets. detail

Do you have DFB lasers that have a low RIN in the frequency range lower than several kHz. There is someone among our members looking for the product for his applications. detail