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CASPA-SVSTA Joint Tech Seminar

 CASPA 2008 Special Symposium
"Go Through Economy Winter Together"


Date: December 13, 2008 (Saturday)
Time: 1:00PM –1:30PM Registration and Networking
1:30PM – 4:30PM Presentation and Q&A
4:30PM – 5:00PM Panel Discussion & Closing
Location: ITRI office, 2870 Zanker Road, Suite 140, San Jose, CA 95134
Fee: Free for all participants
Language: English
Contact Phone: 1(408) 245-5638
Email: office@caspa.com

Topic: During this economic downturn, there is a lot of uncertainty. But one
thing is certain that only by working together we can survive and flourish when
the spring is coming. We will invite several inspirational speakers to talk about
how to adjust your mindset to focus on the positive side to explore new


Speaker: Nicole Tseng (曾少青), Founder of Bliss and Wisdom Elites
Title: Maintain a Positive Mindset in Economic Downturn
The current downturn may end up being longer than ever since the 1930s. The
financial crisis has brought distress to many people. This presentation will
examine the reasons for unhappiness and dissatisfaction in life, as well as the
purposes of working and life. The speaker will also illustrate an effective method
for maintaining a positive mindset and exploring keys to treasures and happiness
in life.

Speaker: Joe Zheng, Patent attorney
Title: Keep Your Entrepreneurial Spirit in Downtime
The unemployment rate in Silicon Valley was 6.9 percent in October.
The financial situation will be worse before it gets better. Some of us are out of
job and others are wondering what to do next: going back home, starting a
company, switching to a different company, and etc. This talk presents what the
speaker has experienced with his clients in the last hit (indeed, not too long ago )
and how some of his clients harvested happily as soon as the recovery started.
He will share a unique entrepreneurial approach of surviving in a downturn and
leapfrogging when the downturn ends.

Speaker: Dr. Shirley Long, Psychologist 龍林雪萍心理博士
Title: Stress Management in Economic Recession
Stress is a psychological and physiological response to events that upset our
personal balance in some way. When faced with a threat, whether to our physical
safety or emotional equilibrium, the body's defenses kick into high gear in a rapid,
automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” response.
Many medical conditions are caused or exacerbated by stress, including: chronic
pain, migraines, ulcers, heartburn, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes,
asthma, PMS, obesity, etc. In addition, chronic stress causes emotional damage
in addition to physical ailments and overtime it can lead to mental health
problems such as: anxiety, depression, eating disorders and substance abuse.
Understand your stress symptoms and practice stress management regularly will
equip you to handle the severe or unexpected stresses, such as the stresses
caused by the current economic crisis.

Speaker: Eric Pan (潘定山), President of Meridian Deployment
Title: Live Your Career by Choice
In the midst of current global economic crisis, unemployment has hit mostly in
construction, real estate, financial services, and auto sector that will adversely
impact many value chains and consumer markets. Are you affected? Do you
know your job prospect? What are your career choices? How do you go about
steering your career? Your career is a lifetime journey of building and making
good use of your skills, knowledge, experiences, and resources. It’s never too
late to examine your career choices. We know that it's a matter of time for the
market to recover but opportunity won't wait. This presentation will address the
career choices of technical professionals and discuss how to align your expertise
and learning to seize opportunities. 


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