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EOA Seminar Announcement

Time: 06:30 pm (pst), Saturday, 08/17/2024 


Speaker: PhD. Xufeng Wu 


Location:  Zoom Online Meeting (Meeting ID: 726 7117 2443

Passcode: 011321)





TopicOverview of super resolution imaging technologies in cellular biology





This talk will give an overview of super resolution imaging technologies developed over the past decade that allow one to resolve objects below the diffraction limit of light. This class of imaging technology has had a major impact on cell biology by enabling scientists to visualize cellular structures with manometer resolution, in multiple colors, and at single molecule sensitivity that were previously impossible. In the talk you will learn about three major super resolution imaging modalities and the work using these modalities to image activities of organelles and molecules within living cells that were done in Xufeng’s core.


超高分辨率显微成像(super-resolution imaging)是近十多年来空前崛起的一⻔提 高荧光解析度的技术。两位发明者开发出不同原理的方法并为此获得了2014年诺⻉尔 奖。这类技术绕过传统上光学衍射极限对成像分辨率的限制,让以前观察不到的生物细胞 中纳米级结构得以成像。这一重大研究进展推动了现代生物医学研究的进步与发展. 实现 了对细胞中纳米级结构的超分辨成像,成为对活细胞内部的细微结构和动力学过程进行研 究必不可少的途径 本次讲座将从三种常SRM技术的基本原理和特点出发,着重阐述 和介绍它们在活细胞成像中的应用。虽然SRM技术目前主要用在生命科学和生物医学研 究中,但在其他成像领域,比如计算机光学存储,也开始展现其令人注目的应用前景。




Xufeng Wu, PhD, is Deputy Director of the Light Microscopy Core at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health. She oversees all imaging core activities in Building 50 of the institute. She provides user training and helps with both experimental design and image processing to assist investigators in experiments involving light microscopy. Her own research revolves around her long-term interest in studying the cellular functions of myosin motors. Of note, several of her papers have been cited by more than 500 times. She strives continuously to provide the Building 50 Core with cutting-edge imaging technologies. These efforts include extensive collaborations with premier imaging developers like Eric Betzig at Janelia/HHMI who won a Nobel Prize in 2014 for the development of super resolution microscopy.

Xufeng Wu received her BS in Physics from Jiaotong University in Shanghai China and her PhD in Biophysics from Johns Hopkins University.



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