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  The Electro-Optics Association 

The Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans

Northern California Chapter


2015 Seminar

20150214 (Stanford, CA)

Microwave signal generation and transmission over analog photonic link (APL) and its optimization


We can modulate a microwave signal onto an optical carrier by using a MZM modulator, and transmit the modulated optical signal over a relatively long distance through a fiber with little attenuation or distortion, and restore the original microwave signal using a Photodiode. We can optimize the linearity of the APL by setting the MZM to work at a special bias point. A microwave oscillating signal can be frequency multiplied based on the nonlinearity of the MZM. We can generate microwave oscillating signals with different multiplication factor by setting the MZM to work at different bias points. The phase noise of the restored microwave oscillating signal is heavily affected by the RIN other than the line width of the Laser source. Experiment results and unsolved problems are given.




Dr. Aijun Wen received the B.E. degree, the M.S degree and the Ph.D degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Xidian University, China, in 1990,1993 and 1998 respectively, He presently is a professor of the School of Communication Engineering at Xidian University. His current research interests include Microwave signal generationtransmission and processing based on microwave photonic techniques.